
Showing posts from July, 2021

July assessment

Q1  Case 1 :  In my opinion : Reasoning was good and the diagrams used makes the understanding easy . Q2- Case 2 : In my opinion : diagnosis inferior wall mi with uncontrolled sugars and dm since 8yrs chest pain since 3 days   what is the symptomology in the patient in terms of an event and where is the anatomical localization for the problem and the etiology of patient problem  giddiness since morning profuse sweating since mrng anatomical location of lesion is inferior wall of the heart Case 3 : In my opinion :I agree that COVID-19 infection has led to acute exacerbation of underlying intestinal lung disease.COVID can cause exacerbation of ILD symptoms such as dyspnea, decreasing levels of SpO2 further . And also due to ILD the prognosis of the patient is poor. ILD makes the oxygen more difficult to pass into the blood stream Case 4 : https...

June assesment

 July 30,2021 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here, we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. MONTHLY SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT I have been given the following questions to answer in an attmept to understand the topic of 'Patient clinical data analysis' to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and diagnosis and come up with a treatment, to assess the quality of treatment given and to suggest improvisations.    Question 1 : Competency tested for Peer to peer review and assessment : After going through one particular answer of ten students in this l

A 58 year old patient

 A 58 year old patient came to the OPD with the chief complaints of fever and loss of appetite since 4 days and he is unresponsive since 2 hours Patient was asymptomatic one month ago and then he had sudden onset left UL &LL weakness associated with deviation of mouth to right side admitted in hospital for a week and got discharged Patient was c/c/c from then until today (20/7)21) 7:30 pm when he suddenly became unresponsive and was brought to our casuality at 8.30 pm in a state of unresponsiveness with GCS E1V1M1. H/o fever - high grade , intermittent , associated with chills , releived with medication Vomiting 2 episodes which was black in colour 4 days ago. No h/o headache,seizures,cough or cold. No other complaints Patient continued to take OHA inspite of not taking food. Past history:  Known case of type 2 diabetes mellitus since 10 months and on treatment with glimi 2mg + metformin 500 mg and voglibose 0.2mg Hypertension since one month and on telma 40mg OD Personal ...